2025 Important Dates:
February 15th - Early Bird Tickets on Sale!
February 22nd - Luge Party: Luge 2 Luge! Fundraiser, Volunteer Outreach, In Person Ticket Sales!
March 31st - Last day for Early Bird Tickets & Theme Vote!
March/April/May/June/July - Stay tuned for info on in person gatherings!
June 15th - Placement deadline for Theme Camps and Art! If you need an extension, email us at MontopiaMT@gmail.com
June 30th - Last day for Regular Ticket Price!
July 13th - Last day for Online Ticket Sales
July 16th-20th - 5 days of MONTOPIA!!!
What is montopia?
Montopia is an arts, burn & community event where all are welcome and everyone participates in co-creating the playground for our creative expressions to come alive!
We adopt the 10 Principles as our legacy ethos and also include what we consider the 11th Principle of Consent.
We practice radical self-reliance! As a participant you are in charge of bringing everything you might need while at the event including water, food & shelter (we’ll provide the portos)!
Pack it in, pack it out & LEAVE NO TRACE = you are responsible for bringing home all your belongings and trash! We do not provide trash cans and you will need to plan accordingly.
There is nothing for sale or barter and we operate as a gifting economy! What gifts are you excited to bring and share?!
Want more in depth details on Montopia and how to prepare for this magical experience?
Click below to check out our “need to read” survival guide!
Check out the happenings and see what’s coming up next!
Are you interested in getting more involved this year or volunteering?
Looking for placement for your theme camp or art piece?
Yes please!! Let’s connect!
Click below to get in touch